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Haskap Jam

3 Reviews
Haskap Jam
Haskap Jam

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Haskap Jam

Sku: 3120
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Your Price: $9.00
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Plaid Shirt Farm’s Haskap Jam is fruit first and bursting with a sweet/tart flavour
Categories: Haskap
Manufacturer: Plaid Shirt Farms Ltd
  • Description
  • Customer Reviews (3)
  • Recipes

Plaid Shirt Farm’s Haskap Jam is fruit first and bursting with a sweet/tart flavour similar to a raspberry-blueberry mix.
Use on toast, ice cream, pancakes, or mix into a smoothie or yoghurt

Made with Haskaps grown on our farm. 250 mlHaskap jam nutrition

3 Reviews for Haskap Jam

  • Amazing! - Sunday, March 26, 2023 Anonymous
    I was at a craft show in Waterloo today and had the pleasure of meeting the owners of Plaid Shirt Farm. Their wares are amazing. I bought a jar of Haskap jam. As soon as I got home my husband and I tried the jam. Nothing this delicious anywhere else.
    I can get more on line or make an appointment to go and shop there. Such a great find to be in our corner of Ontario.
    Thank you so much.
  • - Tuesday, December 13, 2022 Anonymous
    Haskaps, my new kryptonite!
  • - Tuesday, December 13, 2022 Anonymous
    Haskap berries, where have you been all my life?? Thanks very much, what a treat!
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